Blog #3

    Copyright is the term used to allow protection from people stealing ideas a certain individual created. For example, if a writer created a blog, and someone copied their work, the copyright law would protect the original writer’s work and even legal charges could be brought amongst the person who used their work. Fair Use, is permission granted to use people’s work in certain criteria. Fro example, if student is doing a research project, and wanted to use a small section of a person’s idea, fair use would allow for them to do so. In the future, I hope to avoid having issues with copyright by asking permission for creators works before using them in my classroom. I also know there are websites that you could purchase teacher’s lessons, and I think this would be a great option to avoid issues. As for my students, I hope to teach them how to be creative. While I know research will be used for projects and other schoolwork, I could teach my students about fair use and how to se other people’s work correctly and responsibly. 

    I think that the technology implementation issue, decreased productivity, could have s ovulation by allowing students to engage more while they’re doing work. Since many classes have been moved to online or over zoom, many students, having been lacking motivation in school. Personally, I cant blame them, I focus better in in-person classes. I think if the students were forced to engage more during the time they’re working on school work it could allow for student productivity to increase. For example, instead of having a student do a worksheet then go over it with the classroom, they should work on the worksheet in a breakout room with their classmates so they can be more engaged. 
Another technology implementation is Cyberbullying. I think a solution to cyberbullying is limiting the interaction students can have with each other online. For example, if a student is working on a project with a group over zoom, the people they are allowed to interact with and send messages too should only be the people in their group. While they could have unlimited access with a certain group of students, they will not be able to interact with others. 

    Some skills I acquired from working on the newsletter Design assignment was learning how to create columns in Microsoft Word. I also learned how to add a border around my columns, and how to modify the border. In the future, I could improve my newsletter by adding more pictures, and fixing my permission slip. I think it looked too plain and I could not fix it the way I wanted it. I could use the skills I required in my future career by creating more creative documents/power points, and creating newsletters for my future students to take home. 
